“If you don’t have a competitive
advantage, don’t compete.”Jack Welsh, former CEO, GE
Challenges for Australian businesses have never been greater, brought on by the effects of globalisation, high Australian currency, high employment costs, diminishing scale in some sectors and an increasingly budget conscious, time poor, and information savvy consumer.
However, despite this challenging environment, there are many businesses carving out niches, innovating, and driving sustainable, profitable growth.
Inspired by studies in sustainable competitive advantage at Harvard Business School, Grant Davidson, founding partner of Davidson Branding and brand analyst for the Victorian government’s Design2Business program, has developed a series of competitive strategy workshops tailored specifically for Australian businesses.
The product of over 20 years of experience working with globally leading companies including Toll Global, Origin Energy, and Hills Holdings, combined with studies in competitive strategy at Harvard Business School, the workshops are designed to;
- Uncover growth barriers
- Discover growth opportunities
- Define strategies for competitive advantage
- Create an actionable game plan
There are three workshops available including:
1. A one day top-level analysis
2. A two day analysis and plan
3. A four day in-depth analysis, plan and actions
Contact Grant Davidson on grant@davidsonbranding.com.au to find out more.