Animated Logos: A Branding Essential

As digital engagement is paramount, brand identity evolution has reached a significant milestone.

Once a novelty, animated logos emerged as global best practice in 2024.

This trend is not merely a fleeting fascination; it represents a fundamental shift in how companies convey their brand stories, values, and differentiation in an increasingly competitive market.

Motion is moving

Static logos have endured the burden of constantly battling for consumer attention for ages. And while they have done a sterling job, they need to level up with the ever-changing media landscape.

Enter animated logos. They leverage motion to make brand experiences more engaging and memorable.

Motion adds a layer of storytelling that static images cannot. An animated logo can unfold a narrative, demonstrate a brand’s personality, communicate a core proposition and evoke emotions within a few seconds.

This storytelling capability of animated logos aligns perfectly with the decreasing attention spans of today’s consumers and their strong preference for visual and interactive content, making them a highly relevant and impactful branding tool.

Motion is memorable

Looking good is great, but in branding terms, it’s of little value if it doesn’t enhance memorability.

Movement enhances memorability. Fortunately, thanks to our hunter-gatherer ancestors, our brains are hard-wired to notice and remember things that move.
Research in cognitive psychology tells us movement engages the brain’s orienting response, directing our attention toward the moving object. By animating a logo, this response is activated, making the logo more noticeable compared to static images around it.

A study by Intel Corp reported that animated content was 400 per cent more attention-grabbing than static imagery.

Neuroscientists have also discovered that we are innately drawn to new and novel things, which stimulates our brain’s reward systems. While animated logos and brand identities are increasing in popularity in the branding and marketing landscape, they are still in the minority.

This alone guarantees that it will capture the attention and imagination of consumers. And once captured, they are retained.

Motion is multitalented

Motion can fulfil a range of needs. It can ‘hold your hand’ as you wait for a page or video to load, entertaining you for those few precious seconds, which can feel like minutes in this day and age.

Moreover, animation allows for more creative expression of a brand’s identity. A logo that transforms, evolves, or reacts can more effectively encapsulate complex brand values and messages than a static design. This dynamic representation helps brands stand out in a crowded marketplace, making them more recognisable and relatable.

They can also make you smile. Even the briefest of seconds can contain a story -we know that from animated memes. It can surprise and delight you. Setting the tone in a snap.

It’s like a nice little reward for taking the time to view it. Animated logos signal a shift of logos stopping being just about their brands. They are now completely about their audience.

Motion is miraculous

According to numerous leading authorities on marketing performance, animated content is a crucial driver of consumer engagement in the digital world.

Here are a few compelling statistics;

  • Logo animation can boost your brand identity recognition by 75%
  • Animated content is 12 times more likely to be watched than text to be read
  • Animated content on landing pages is capable of increasing conversion rates by over 80%
  • Visuals—gifs, images, and video—boost engagement with social media, boosting views by 48%
  • Adding moving content to marketing emails can boost click-through rates by 200-300%


Motion is mandatory

In 2024, every audience will continually raise its expectations as technology advances.

Animated logos are a simple solution that delivers significant ROI, given how much they cost to create and what they promise to deliver.

A unique blend of engagement, memorability, adaptability, and innovation that static logos cannot match.

For brands aiming to thrive in the digital era, investing in animated logos is not just a creative choice—it’s a strategic imperative that cannot be overlooked.


Let’s Bring Your Vision to Life

If you’d like to learn more about animated logos, our experience with them, or how we can create yours, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to chat.



Written by Grant Davidson
Grant is the founding partner and head of strategy at Davidson Branding. Over his 37-year career, Grant has developed world’s best practice knowledge and expertise through his studies at Harvard Business School and his experience working with leading global brands.
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