Lead Generation Brand Strategy and Design Agency Melbourne

Lead Generation Services: The Mechanics of Lead Generation

Lead generation is the action or process of identifying and cultivating potential customers for your business's products or services.

Lead generation is the action or process of identifying and cultivating potential customers for your business’s products or services.

Lead Generation Brand Strategy and Design Agency Melbourne

What is a lead?
A lead is an organisation or person who has indicated some form of interest in your business product or service. These people are existing and potential clients and customers for your business.

Lead Generation Brand Strategy and Design Agency Melbourne

What are the mechanics of lead generation? 

There are a number of mechanics (or steps) involved in attracting and converting strangers and prospects into leads. The best practice lead generation campaigns follow most, if not all of the following strategies. These strategies can be broken down into four crucial elements to generate inbound leads.

Lead Generation Brand Strategy and Design Agency Melbourne

1. Offers 
In marketing terms, an offer is a piece of content that is perceived high in offer. It is important to understand your distinct brand point of difference and relevance to your target audience because this is key to creating an irresistible offer. Offers include information in the form of ebooks or whitepapers, services including free consultations or seminars and benefits including deals and product demonstrations.

Lead Generation Brand Strategy and Design Agency Melbourne

2. Call to actions
In a digital medium, a call-to-action (CTA) is either text, an image or a button that links directly to a landing page so people can find and download/sign up for your offer. Creating an engaging CTA is the key to driving people to your offers and ultimately your business services.

Lead Generation Brand Strategy and Design Agency Melbourne

3. Landing pages
A landing page is a specialised page that contains key information about one particular offer. The most important part of the landing page is a form to download that offer.

Lead Generation Brand Strategy and Design Agency Melbourne

4. Forms

You can’t capture leads without forms. Forms will collect contact information from a visitor in exchange for your offer.

This article is an introduction to the four key tactical mechanics of lead generation services. These strategies should be utilised in the right context for your brand to appeal to your target audience. Brand strategy, identity, look and feel, digital strategy and marketing campaigns all influence the effectiveness of your lead generation services.

Lead Generation Brand Strategy and Design Agency Melbourne

Written by Grant Davidson
Grant is the founding partner and head of strategy at Davidson Branding. Over his 37-year career, Grant has developed world’s best practice knowledge and expertise through his studies at Harvard Business School and his experience working with leading global brands.
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